A downloadable game

Stars Under Stone is a welterweight heroic skill-based tactical TTRPG.

What does all that mean? You’ll create a character by selecting skills and abilities, and then use that character to go on adventures that focus on fighting monsters. Rather than using strict classes or item tables, Hammer allows players to select from abilities called “Feats” to create a character. It is intended to be run from roughly levels 1-5, but does not need to have a traditional level system.

While Hammer is a playable game in its current state, more “modules” are planned to flesh out a more complete game: a Dungeon Generation module, an Exploration & Inventory module, additional Classes and Feats, and more besides. There might be a companion app at some point. It's also very much a work in progress, and has only existed since late June 2021.


Stars Under Stone v0.pdf 2 MB

Development log